Thursday, June 30

Pardon the interruption, but . . .

HOLY CRAP!!! Allow me to give my most sincere and humble apologies to all the die hard fans of The Interrobang. The past week has been full with zombie movie preparation. In fact, as we speak (though we're not speaking, but you get the idea), I am supposed to be packing so we can head up and start preparing for tomorrow and Saturday. Yes, this is me bailing out again and saying that for the next few days, there won't be anything new. I'm so so so so so sorry.
Allow me to leave you with a joke. A grasshopper walks into a bar. He sits down and orders a drink. The bartender looks at him and says, "Hey, you know we have a drink named after you?" The grasshopper looks at him and says, "No way! You have a drink named Steve?"


Blogger Mantis said...

Finally. :)
Just a little attention.
That's all your devoted fans ask.
Thanks for the update and joke - those talking grasshoppers are the best!

Zombie on.

12:54 PM  

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