Friday, June 10

Kids' flicks

I've been doing some thinking lately, and have realized that though most kids' movies are sub-par, there are a few that, from an semi-adult movie-nerd point of view are really, really good. Allow me to bring a few of these to the light:
-Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles- This is the original I'm talking here. I loved this movie as a kid. I recently bought the DVD and, not much to my surprise, I still love it. It's witty, it's got a good plot, it's dramatic . . . all in all, it's radical! And something I realized these last few times watching it: the entire movie is centered on Raphael. I could take an entire page talking about this, but just watch it again and think about it.
-The Emperor's New Groove- By far the best Disney movie. Yes, it's an animated flick to appeal to the kids. However, there is a lot of stuff in there that, I'm convinced, was specifically designed for the adult viewing audience. I mean, honestly: what kid is going to appreciate Kronk's line, "I'm kindof a hard fix. I'm a 62 long with a 31 waist." Good times.
-The Sandlot- Very well-written. Great kid actors. Funny, witty, and clever. And it's about baseball (which automatically makes it one of the best movies ever).
-The Goonies- Dear me . . . so much can be said about The Goonies. And you all (if you are true goonies) know what I'm talking about. However, something I've noticed is that if someone with goonie tendencies grew up watching the movie, they love it now. If an older person watches it, even if they have some goonie in them, they just don't get it. I guess that's why some girls who live by me think it's "just ok", whereas I have a "Goonies Never Say Die" patch on my backpack.


Blogger Heidi said...

Ugly Llama face!

8:57 AM  

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