Wednesday, June 1

Every saga has a beginning . . .

It all started out with me adamantly opposing acquiring a cell phone. I thought, Why do I need a cell phone? I don't know enough people to necessitate a phone that is with me wherever I go. Besides, all cell phones are are toys of the new generation. No thanks. As time went on, I (sadly) found that such was not the case. Actually, let me rephrase that. I still don't know enough people to necessitate a phone that is with me wherever I go. However, the luxury of having a phone book that is with me wherever I go is, well, not to be ignored. So, much to my initial convictions, 2 months ago I cracked and went to Cingular.
After that, things went back to normal. Fast forward a little bit.
When I first heard of blogs a while back, I thought, Why do I need a blog? I don't know enough people who will actually go online and read my thoughts and rantings, though humorous and witty they may be. No thanks.
That is, until my friend Ernie decided to show me her new blog and talk about how great it was/is. An hour later, The Interrobang was born.
Some may call me a sell-out. Some may call me trendy. I will neither confirm nor deny these allegations. All I will say is that it looks like my convictions have once again been dropped with reckless abandon and I now have another (completely unjustified) toy.
Except this time I don't have the excuse of it also serving as a phone book.


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